Blogs & Free Advice
The Truth About Self-Ordering Kiosks
Are self-ordering kiosks the answer to all our problems? We lift the hood on this popular technology to find out if they really are panacea so many people expect them to be.
Stop Giving Away Your Profit - It’s Costing You More Than You Think
For every dollar you give away, or throw away, you have to put three in the till!! -How to stop money leaking out of your business.
It’s Not Time to Celebrate Just Yet!
Why it’s important to bed-down your new restaurant and how to do it.
Understanding the Core Principles of a Hospitality Business
The core principles are the foundations upon which a hospitality business’s success are built. They’re the ‘non-negotiables’ that have to be well executed in order for an eatery to thrive.
Creating a Positive Outcome From a Negative Customer Experience
Mistakes happen; it’s a simple fact of life, but what’s important is making sure the same mistake doesn’t happen twice, to learn from it, and wherever possible turn a negative customer experience into an opportunity.
How To Accelerate Your Profit by Tweaking Your Food Costs. – Part One
Did you know that just a 10% reduction in your food costs could increase your profit by up to 70%!!
How To Accelerate Your Profit by Tweaking Your Food Costs. – Part Two
Knowing what a massive impact food costs have on profit; how do we go about reducing them?
Six Reasons Why You Should Simplify Your Menu
Imagine if doing just one thing could simultaneously increase your customer count, improve your customer experience, streamline your kitchen operation, reduce labour costs, reduce your training costs AND, increase your profits!
Creating a Profit Driving Menu
Did you know that a well-planned and strategised menu is one of the single most effective ways of driving revenue and profit?
Tips To Boost Your Takeaway Business
There’s no better time than now to build a successful takeaway and home delivery service for your restaurant. Getting it right can make a huge improvement to your bottom line, and help drive more customers to your venue.
Creating Love Beyond Reason
Creating a strong and profitable brand is one of the most important aspects of your restaurant’s offering, but so often it doesn’t receive the attention or effort it deserves.
How To Increase Your Menu Prices
Increasing your menu pricing can seem a little scary! Let me show you how to make it easy, and what a massive boost it can make to your profitability.
Why You Should Be Friends with Uber Eats
The one thing worse than doing business with Uber Eats . . . is not doing business with Uber Eats. When done right, despite the big commission, Uber Eats can be a very profitable part of your business.
The Number One Profit Building Strategy
There’s seldom on silver bullet that will deliver you big profit gains, but, the aggregation of many small gains can have a massive impact on your profit.